Happy New Year, my friends! Whew!- what a whirlwind of parties, festivities, photography, giving & receiving, music, joy, games, family, friends, and much thankfulness with a little icky virus thrown in...
I'm back, and I see that everyone is coming back out to play after the holiday season... I'm itching, as well, since I haven't "played" at all since Silver Bella! It's such a shame, too, so much inspiration around Christmastime. Oh well, a new year and a new passion of creativity! There are so many swaps happening out there, bursting of hearts and love for Valentines...
Today I come back with a welcome, and some heart & soul inspiration...
We missed church last week, due to everyone running temps and being ill with a virus. So getting back was refreshing, with a feeling of hope for
2009. I just thought I'd share some thoughts and notes to help begin your new year with a positive attitude, and a wholehearted desire for JOY, because God truly wants us to feel joy in
everything, and not just in the circumstances...I know the Lord is always with me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is filled with joy,
and my mouth shouts His praises!
My body rests in safety.
Psalms 16:7-9
1) You can have joy because God has chosen YOU.
2) You can have joy because God leads you through hard times.
3) You can have joy because He transforms your attitudes and actions.
Rejoice in the Lord Always!
~Phillipians 4:4More reading:
~1 Peter 1:8-9
~Matthew 25:21
~Isaiah 53:10
Well... I'm off to get some more laundry done (two weeks-plus worth!), and I'll
try and find the joy in that! ;)
Catch ya later, friends... til then, lots of HUGS and a little Valentine for you!