Thursday, January 31, 2008

"The key to change.... is to let go of fear."
~Roseanne Cash


Adrienne said...

Hi! I just kind of randomly found your blog from the comments section of Rebecca Sower's blog. I'm jealous that you got to attend the Silver Bella event! I'm sure that was wonderful. Hope you have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

What a day you had and very scary. Hope your little guy is feeling better today.

Glad to see your back to blogging, since I was wondering how you were.

Meeting you and feeling like we'd been friends forever at Silver Bella, has never left me. I have a few pictures of our shopping day in Omaha. Remember your bingo box find? I was so happy for you that day and captured that moment too!

I jumped into blogland just a few months ago and have much more to do with it but, if you'd like to stop by to say hello, you can visit me at:

I hope to share those captured moments from Omaha somehow. Let me know if your interested.

G'day and Hugs,
Karla Smith

Kimla Kay said...

Hi Shannon! First of all, I know you are crazy busy and I'm about to have a baby but we must try to get together sometime this year!! I have been so bad about keeping in touch with my Silver Bella peeps, but it's certainly not because I don't want to. I am enjoying reading your blog and seeing what's happening in your life. Glad to know your little boy survived his scare at Academy! Hope all is well your way. xoxoxo kimla