Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm A Diggin' This!

Oh looky here! It's been awhile since I have run across a new product that I just gotta have... Martha Bonneau over at Craft Critique had a little diddy on this little gem: The Chatterbox Brad Maker

You can make cute little brad's with your own VINTAGE (or favorite) images! Well, like, cool, dude! (wow, that dates me) And the design of the brad themselves are fabulous! Take a look for yourself:

You can get the full scoop and where to purchase online over here. Or maybe you can get it at your local scrapbook store! Or maybe you beat me to the punch (no pun intended) and already own one! Tell me what YOU think?!
I'm really thinking I need one soon...
Seriously cool.



Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Looks like another 'tool' for the 'toolbox' to me :) cool find!

Unknown said...

ADORABLE! Of course, being a cheap skate like I am, I would use buttons for frames and fore go buying the gadget. heehee

The ATC doll swap is STILL open, the other CPA swaps you commented on, on my blog, are closed. I wouldlove for you to sgn up for the doll swap (I am hosting!)

Alisa Noble said...

Okay, that is seriously cool!

Hey, you'll have to come over my way and I'll take you to McKinney for some fun junquing.

Anna said...

i did see these (online) and I was tempted to get them ...... but what happen when you run out of the brads (they provide you with?) I think that's only draw back..... looks like fun (anyhow) xoxo anna

Charlene said...

Why is it that there are SOOOOOOOOOOOO many things that I think I NEED? This does look cool but, you know I have been in my studio & I have so much stuff I can't find what I'm looking for half the time! Anybody else with that problem?

Linda Jo said...

These are darling!!! Wouldn't that be fun to have! I will check it out.